The Original Manolo Mendez Cavesson

Manolo Created His First Cavesson Over 40 Years Ago

Unlike a traditional Spanish Seratta, which is toothed and has little to no padding. It is light and pleasant for the horse. Our Cavessons are handmade by an artisan in Spain. Manolo uses high-quality leather resulting in a Cavesson that is light and refined. Provide regular maintenance by oiling your Cavesson, just as you would clean and oil your horse’s tack, and your Manolo Mendez Cavesson will last for many years.

Why Use A Manolo Mendez Original Cavesson?

Manolo’s Cavesson has a smooth metal nosepiece in place of the usual toothed/serrated nosepiece. Caroline Larrouilh, in collaboration with Manolo, has written articles on his training techniques for the past 14 years.  After seeing the original harsh “toothed”  seratta, Caroline encouraged Manolo develop a Cavesson that eliminated the harsh ‘toothed’ design and introduce a new type of ‘traditional Cavesson’ — one without teeth.

Because it is light, padded with memory foam, and NON-SERRATED, Manolo’s Original Cavesson provides a uniform and comfortable contact on the horse’s nose. The horse can move its jaw and open its mouth easily, which is essential when seeking to eliminate tension and stress, allowing soft and free-flowing movement. The purpose of this  cavesson is NOT to discipline the horse but to help the handler ask gently for correct flexion and to assist in building a more healthy posture. It is ideal for assisting with handling young horses and with rehabilitation after time off work or injury.

How Is It Different Compared To Other Cavessons?

  • Manolo Mendez Cavessons are light, refined and designed to sit comfortably on the horse.
  • Most Cavessons are heavy and designed with no attention to detail.
  • Our Cavesson is very refined. It rests lightly on your horse’s head, is solidly padded with memory foam, and is NON-SERRATED using only the finest quality leather.
  • Unlike most mass-produced cavessons, Manolo Mendez Cavessons are handcrafted of fine leather by an artisan in Spain.
  • There is no browband with this Cavesson.
  • have a fixed jowl strap, the MM Cavesson has swivel rivets on both jowl straps.  By placing the straps on each side over the widest part of your horse’s jawline at a 90 degree square angle, this will allow for correct fitted comfort to align well away from the eye.
  • There is only one ring rather than three, in order to more easily create correct flexion evenly throughout the horse’s body allowing for correct spinal alignment.
  •  All straps have an extensive range of adjustability for sizing. In addition there are three straps to work with that provide the scope for ease of adjustment and horse comfort. 
  • Cavessons come in 4 sizes: Pony ,Cob, Full, and Oversized. (See the SIZING GUIDE in HOW TO PURCHASE information.)
  • We provide fitting instructions upon payment with further assistance once received.

Manolo and Jillian Kreinbring show us how to correctly fit the Original Spanish Cavesson on to a horse.


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